Showing posts with label antique. Show all posts

Frosted Glass Picture Frame Sign

Hey ya'll, wanted to share my latest project with you. I believe my favorite bathroom sign is the one that reads "If you sprinkle when you tinkle, please be neat and wipe the seat". We had one hanging in the bathroom that I had made a year or so ago, but it just didn't go with decor of things do to the font I had used. So, I decided to make a new one using picture frames and etched glass.

I had some spare glass and wood laying around so I decided to make a couple of picture frames for the sign. You could easily use pre-made picture frames for this project. Follow along to make your own:

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Vintage Filing Cabinet

Hey there. Well, I promised myself that I wouldn't be building anything new (at least furniture) until we moved. I broke that promise to myself...

We needed (well, wanted) a DVD and game case cabinet or shelf. I had seen pictures while looking for ideas of those vintage wooded filing cabinets, the kinds used in old schools and offices. If I were to make one that could hold DVDs, well that would be sweet. Using scrap wood from the shop, this is what I put together.

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"Vintage" Lighted Cabinet (The Finish)

Drum roll please....Ta-da! I have finished the Vintage Style Lighted Cabinet! Everything I was waiting for came in the mail today so I was able to get it all buttoned up before the weekend. So here she is in all her glory, good things. Continue reading to see more images of the final piece. And also, if you missed part 2 of this build, you can view it here.

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"Vintage" Lighted Cabinet (Part 2)

Hello again, here's the second update on the "Vintage" Lighted Cabinet. I have now installed the trimming, the back bead-board, built and installed the drawers, sanded and painted the whole thing. Here are some pictures of the progress so far...

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"Vintage" Lighted Cabinet (Part 1)

Hey guys, how are things? So I wanted to catch you up on what's going on around the shop right now. I had written my last post about brainstorming my next build. I've started on the cabinet and will show you where I'm at right now. This is going to be a window door cabinet that is lighted from the inside.

 Me and the misses made a trip over to the local Antique Shop and found this window for sale for $35. Check out the hardware that was on it.

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Christmas Stocking Holder - DIY

Happy Holidays everyone! It's been awhile since my last post, so I thought I would start things back up with a little Christmas decoration how-to. Today I'll be making a Christmas Stocking Holder using old drawer knobs. I saw a picture of one of these in the magazine 'The Country Sampler', and knew it was right up our alley.
The Stocking Holder hanging on the Mantle
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Small Chalk Board Build

Well hello there. I would like to share with you the latest project I just got finished with. I was standing in my shop looking around thinking about something to make. Something small - and I didn't want to pay for anything in building it (I'll break that later).

I always thought to myself how it would be nice to have some sort of message board on the refrigerator that we could write shopping lists, grocery items needed, and quick notes on. A Chalk Board! Let's do it.

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Shutter Door Cabinet - Completion

Wrapped up the cabinet this morning. Everything is done and will make a lovely addition to our house.

Before you view the completed piece, you can view the build here:

After the white base coat dried I lightly sanded the whole piece. I then focused on areas that would normally receive the most wear, revealing the stain underneath. When doing a project like this, very the thickness of paint in areas and don't be afraid of brush strokes - the fun part of vintage style builds are the imperfections.

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Shutter Door Cabinet - The Build

Me and the wife were out shopping the other day and we were in one of our 'go to' stores - Ross (wife loves the prices) and sitting back in the furniture section was a cabinet that had shutter type doors. I was looking for something that would look good in the bathroom and thought this was a perfect fit.

They were asking around $50 for this piece - but you know I'm not going to pay for this type of to the shop!
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Wall Shelf with Coat Hooks

I've been wanting to build this for a while now. I had seen pictures in me and my wife's favorite magazine, The Country Sampler, and thought what a wonderful idea.

After looking around the web for different pictures I realized it wouldn't be that hard to do. I had the wood donated to me by a friend that was moving. Picked up the paint and the Shaker Pegs from Home Depot.

For the color I decided on 'Alligator Skin' by Behr.

I've already found the perfect place for it by our front door. Check out the video for the how-to on building this Antique Style Wall Shelf with Coat Hooks.

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Buffet Table

Whilst me and the wife were out 'Antiquing' we stopped by one of our favorite Antique Shops and ran across this buffet style table.

The Inspiration

We both loved it, so I snapped a couple of quick pictures for reference. We purchased the table legs and cabinet knobs for Vintage Hardware here in Astoria. They are great people, if you're in the area you need to check them out! The rest of the wood I had on hand.

The Wood Work

Staining and Sanding
Finished Table

Check out the video for all the pictures of the build and the how-to:

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Hutch Cabinet

Me and the wife  were out "Antiquing" the other day, and in one of the booths there was a cabinet with a window for the door that we both fell in love with. Unfortunately,  they were asking $600 for it. Now I'm not saying it wasn't worth it, but I don't have that kind of cash laying around.

The Inspiration

Well, as you can see - it is gorgeous and we had the perfect place for it. So I decided to make one! We bought a glass window from the same store for $25. On the way home that day we passed by a store that was being remodeled and they were tearing down ceder boards from the outside that had old green paint on it. We loaded up the back of the truck with these boards for free!  

The table legs were purchased from Home Depot for $17 and I found the knob and hinges on eBay for around $35. I already had all the paint and other things I needed, so for a total of around $80 this is what I made.

We're both happy with it, and I love the green paint that was left on from the original source!
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