Showing posts with label gun control. Show all posts

Gun Registration: What's the Big Deal?

Gun control proponents will always bring up the need for gun registration. But why? Has it, or does it, prevent any gun crime? Watch the video and judge for yourself.

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Direct contradiction to Gun Control

I have watched the reports on the latest mass murder conducted by Elliot Rodger in California. Right after a tragedy like this emotions run thick and common sense is usually thrown out of the window. For example, one of the victims father is blaming the NRA. It is easy to point to one thing and blame it for the problem. However, we must face reality in a rational manor. There was a horrible crime committed, lives lost and families will never be the same. Let's address this as adults, leave politics and emotion out of it:

Direct contradiction to Gun Control

1. There has always been guns, and there always will be. 

There are always going to be guns. Trying to control who has them and what kind they have only means controlling the guns of  law-abiding citizens. California has the strictest gun laws in America. Yet, even with these strict laws, this crime was still committed. Does that mean we need MORE?

Consider this: Elliot purchased his firearms legally. They were hand guns, not those horrible "military assault rifles". California says that you can only have 10 round magazines to limit the damage done by one shooter. Great, however he had multiple 10 round magazines, so that law didn't exactly work. What if they were 5 round magazines? What about 1 round? He still would have collected enough magazines to fulfill his mission.

2. Guns, for some reason, are the only inanimate object that commit these crimes.

This is something I will never understand. Take any murder in the United States. Every single time it is the fault of the individual perpetrating the crime and not the tool used to commit the crime except when a gun is used, then it's the guns fault.

Elliot Rodger killed 6 people. 3 of those was by knife and 3 was by gun. Let this sink in.... 50% of those murdered was by knife and 50% was by gun. However, there is no outcry for knife control. It all comes down to the gun. Why is that?

Also keep in mind that he ran an additional 4 people over with his car. Thankfully non of those died, but if they had would it be the cars fault?

3. Who saves the day?

This tragedy was finally brought to an end by police officers who ultimately shot and killed Elliot. Great, that's why they exist. Police save us from criminals. But how long did that take? Well, he was able to stab and kill three people at his house, run four people over with his car and then kill three more with his gun. Six people killed and four wounded before police finally stopped him. Do you think that time span is acceptable? I'm not blaming the police, there's only so many of them and they're spread out on other cases. There will always be a delay from when a crime is committed and a response is achieved.

I offer this one simple thought, what if one of the individuals in the house had been legally carrying when the knife attack happened? Maybe nothing, but maybe he shoots and kills Elliot before he's able to cause more harm.

The simple fact is this. Guns will always exist and criminals will always gain access to them. The only people who follow the law are law abiding citizens. Even if you wiped every gun from the face of the earth someone who wants to kill someone else will find a way to do it. If Elliot didn't have his guns he still would have stabbed the 3 individuals and ran the others over with his car.

 A murderer is a murderer no matter the weapon used. The problem is with the individual, not the tool. Don't control my ability to defend myself and my family from these people.

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