Showing posts with label gun laws. Show all posts

Open Carry Movement - Helpful or Harmful?

There has been a lot of demonstrations lately by individuals who say they have the right to carry weapons, which is covered by the Second Amendment, and that they should be allowed to carry openly where ever they choose. There is argument on both sides as to whether this is smart or not, and I wanted to throw my hat into the ring on this subject.

I am a firm believer in the Second Amendment and that we have the right to own firearms and to use them in self defense when needed. I also strongly agree with the states that allow for concealed carry. Because what's the point in exercising this right if you don't have the weapon on you? I also don't have a problem with people open carrying their weapons when allowed by law.  I personally wouldn't open carry because you are advertising to would be criminals that you are the only one they need to avoid and that they just need to wait until your're gone or that you're the one they need to neutralize. When carrying concealed, they don't have the luxury of knowing.

However, I have to disagree with those that push the issue in front of business and around others that don't necessarily share these beliefs. If you study these incidents, it quickly becomes apparent that these individuals are only hurting their cause, and a lot of the time, even hurting the ability of those that conceal carry as well. If you feel that you should be allowed to open carry, push the case through your elected officials or in rallies at places that already allow it. I know this may seam counter productive but just look at what has happened so far when you try to push the case for open carry:

October 2013 - A group of people openly carrying marched to a Starbucks in Arlington, TX causing the company to ask that no guns be brought into any of their stores.

May 2014 - Members from a branch of Open Carry Texas entered a Jack in the Box restaurant where they had been staging a demonstration, reportedly scaring the employees. The company has since asked that no guns be brought into their locations.

May 2014 - A couple of individuals open carry rifles into a Chipotles in Dallas, TX. The company responds by barring guns in all of it's locations.

May 2014 - A demonstration by open carry activist outside of a Sonic and Chili's has caused the companies to enforce no gun policies inside all of their stores.

These are just a few examples so far. There are a lot of restaurants that say they follow their local state and city laws as far as guns are concerned, but when you open carry at these and other locations you are just forcing their hand. You see, groups such as 'Moms Against Guns' are a lot more persuasive than several guys carrying Automatic Rifles. And so, when pressured, the companies are just going to side with the group that could cause them the most damage politically.

I understand what you're trying to do, but be careful that you don't do it at the expense of those that want to quietly carry concealed in these locations.

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Drawing a Blank? Know Your Gun Laws!

If you own, or carry a gun regularly, it’s important that you know your gun laws and your rights. 44 states have constitutional provision protecting the right to keep and bear arm. However many state laws are different by state and you also need to consider federal gun laws as well. This infographic below reviews those laws. We hope you enjoy it.

Drawing a Blank? Know Your Gun Laws by Low VA
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