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A Furniture Build - The Brainstorm

window door entertainment cabinet
Cabinet Model in Cinema 4D
Well, Christmas is over and I have a few days off before I have to go back to work. I want to do some work in the shop while I can, I just need something to build. Next to our TV (which is mounted above the fireplace on the wall) is a small entertainment cabinet that we had purchased at IKEA several years ago. We keep the Wii, some games and movies, and other miscellaneous items. With my love for building furniture, why the hell do I still have something from IKEA? Well I'm going to change that.

So I want to build a new entertainment cabinet. What do I want out of it? I want it to hold the games, movies, and Wii, some remotes and other items. I also think using an old window frame for the door would be nice. Like this one I had done before. But how big? Well that's going to depend on the window, I know I want it to be narrow but taller, but I won't have the actual measurements until I find the window. I also want a couple drawers on the bottom. Since I didn't have the window I started with the drawers for measurement.  I wanted them big enough to hold DVD cases sitting on edge and two deep. That gave me 6" tall and about 16" deep.

With those measurements I began building a 3D model of what I wanted in Cinema 4D. I played around with the look of it until I was happy. Nothing is to scale, it's all relative to what the size differences would look like.
 I then exported the model to Photoshop and put the measurements in. I started with the shelves and worked from there. I just assumed the window was going to be 2' wide and 4' tall. After I find the window I want these measurements will change.

window frame cabinet measurements
Measurements of Cabinet
Yea, I did 'um up on a Blue Print background, no reason other than I liked the look, ha ha. So after I had my measurements, I began coming up with the parts list. This part is kinda easy, just deciding what size wood will go in each location kinda like a jig-saw puzzle - again, this isn't a perfect rendition, more of a guess-ta-mation, but close enough to know how much wood I'll need and how to put it all together.

So there it is. Wife likes it, and I'll finally have something to build. Now all I need to do is go find that window tomorrow. Standby for updates. Feel free to ask any questions you may have - and look forward to the build.
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Now on Pinterest

Well, I have done it! JonnyChapps is now on Pinterest (You can thank my wife for this). So from here on out, if you see something you like on my site - Pin It! And if you want to see where I am getting my inspiration from you can view my Pinterest Page. Make sure you follow me for all future posts and pins and get those random creative juices flowing.
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