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How to Secure your Rural Homestead on a budget

By Lukas Nicholson
While living out and away from the hustle and bustle has its definite advantages, it also has some drawbacks that you should consider if you want to maintain the peace and quiet that drew you away from town in the first place. Although most of the crime reports seem to originate from more populated areas, that doesn’t mean that you should assume it won’t happen to you simply because you live out of the way.

Keep in mind that should your rural property be broken into or your home invaded, it will likely take law enforcement some time before they can get to you. In addition, it is likely you will have law enforcement patrolling nearby. Therefore it is up to you to secure your property and make it as uninviting a target as possible.

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Congratulation to all the Survivors!

Congratulation to all the Survivors out there! We have made it through December 21, 2012 - boy what a story we'll have to tell. Wait until your kids get older and wonder why the hell we made such a big deal out of this date. Ha Ha! - When my kids get older I'm going to make them watch the movie 2012, and tell them we survived that shit like a boss!

Yea, so people bought into the hype. Heck, even I did up some images and even did a book cover for a fella who wrote an E-Book on the Mayan prediction of the end days. But nothing happened. Oh, the planets might have been in that perfect alignment, Venus was at the perfect spot in it's orbit, and there might have been an earthquake or two, but in the end I'm still writing this post and you're still reading it.

So take what you will from all of this, that the Mayan's were idiots, the human race is nuts, or, as I am doing, take this time to reflect on where you've been and where we need to go. Ultimately, the Mayan's said it was the end of one stage and the beginning of another. So look at this as a new beginning and make the most out of your life.

Remember - live life to the fullest, and do everything that makes you happy, no matter how random it is.
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