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Elevated Dog Bowl from Crate

Spent a lazy Sunday in the shop today and threw together a project to make our dog's life a little easier. When larger dogs age I've heard that it's harder on them to bend down to get food and water out of their bowls on the floor. Is it true? Who knows, but I figured I'd at least give him a little assistance and allow me to stay busy in the shop, so here it is, an elevated dog bowl.

elevated dog bowl

I began by building a crate out of spare wood that was laying around. View the video below on building your own crate. I pretty much followed those same steps and altered a little for my needs like adding a stencil on the side to give it that old crate look and adding hand holes on the sides.

I purchased two plastic bowls from the dollar store and cut holes in the base to hold them. I hope you like it, the dog sure does.

Mr. Leon approves!
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