Camping Failure

So, we tried to go camping today. The past several months it has been raining and in the 40's - just nasty. But this weekend was supposed to be clear and in the 60's! Yippee! Packed the gear, loaded the dog and headed out to our favorite camping site, Saddle Mountain.

Well, we drove the hour out there and when we arrived, the place was covered in snow and the temperature had dropped to the low 30's. Check out the pictures to see what it looked like. It goes without saying that we turned around and will wait a few more weekends for the weather to warm up some.

Not Happy


  1. The Sun came out today, and we had the same idea, but checking the weather forecast was enough for us to stay at home. Can't wait for summer!

  2. See that you have lots of useful camping information. Wondered if you would like to exchange links with me at Maybe you could find some new spots to go camping! Check it out and see if you feel like that would be acceptable.

  3. I would love to. Link added. I like your site.

  4. Have attempted to add your interesting site. It is very well written and presented in an interesting fashion. Enjoy the great out of doors!


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