Get a FREE $5.00 Amazon MP3 Credit

Hey folks, wanted to share something cool I just found out about.

Scott Products (You know, the toilet paper company) is giving away a $5.00 Amazon MP3 Credit. If you're like me you may get most of your songs from Amazon. (No, I don't download music illegally. Nothing personally against it, I just like having all the song tags and album art and knowing the volume will be the same for all songs.)

Anyways, yea, I know you're probably asking by now "What is the catch?" Well there is a catch, a very small one. You have to sign up for a Scott Products account (You can opt out of any email solicitations), then you answer a couple short questions about what type of Scott Products you use, takes less than 2 minutes.

After you complete the short survey you will arrive at a page that asks what type of Scott Products you want to receive coupons for, just scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'no thank you, take me to Amazon.' They will give you a code and you'll just put it in on Amazon to redeem your $5 music credit.

Seriously, it was almost too easy and the $5.00 credit lasts until the end of January 2013 so you'll have plenty of time to find just the right music. Most songs on Amazon run .99 cents, so for 2 minutes of your time you'll have 5 free songs.

Don't be scared, go get it. Click here to get your $5.00 Amazon MP3 Music Credit.


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