Build a Bar Table 2 - The Stools

Well, got the table finished and needed chairs to go along with it. If you haven't seen the build, check it out here. We did some searching around and could never really decide on a certain one. Then one evening, on my ritualistic browsing on eBay, I came across these.

Click here to go to the selling on eBay. They were asking $99 for each. Have you looked for stools lately? That was kind of a steal believe it or not. So, we went with 2 to see how they looked. The shipping was VERY fast and they arrived just like the picture showed.

The following are some pictures I snapped of the process of removing the seat and staining.

I stained them the same color as the table (duh), sprayed on some semi-gloss poly and lightly sanded with 220 grit. They turned out perfect. So if you get around to building this table for yourself, give there stools a shot!


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