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As you probably know I am a huge Mississippi State Fan. And as such, I celebrate the week before the Egg Bowl with Ole Miss, known as Ole Miss Hate Week. This is our week to spread as much hate as we can for that school up north. I am posting a meme each day (most I've made myself) ragging on TSUN. Enjoy.

mississippi state, hate ole miss, football, egg bowl, 2014

mississippi state, hate ole miss, football, egg bowl, 2014

mississippi state, hate ole miss, football, egg bowl, 2014

mississippi state, hate ole miss, football, egg bowl, 2014,meme

mississippi state, hate ole miss, football, egg bowl, 2014,meme

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Liberty Bowl Throwback Uniforms

On New Years Eve, Mississippi State will play in the Liberty Bowl against Rice. This is our 4th bowl game in 4 years (longest streak in school history), it is also the 50th anniversary of State's Liberty Bowl game, played in 1963, against North Carolina State. 

With all of the commemorative uniforms we do, how about a throwback uniform worn during that game?

Above is of the few pictures I could find of the actual uniforms worn during the '63 season. So what I've done below may not be perfect, but you get the idea.

And here is my rendition of the uniform and helmet.

mississippi state liberty bowl throwback helmet

 I know the bulldog is different than what was displayed on the helmets from that time. (couldn't find a single usable image for the file). But I incorporated State's older Bulldog logo. I am personally a big fan of this one, so it's fitting.

mississippi state liberty bowl throwback uniform

The uniform consisted of a maroon helmet and jersey with white pants. The helmet had a white face mask with a small bulldog image on either side and the players numbers on the front half just above the face mask. The jersey was adorned with the players numbers on front and back
as well. I couldn't find a picture of what was actually on the back other than the number, but I like the look of the Miss. State for this application. The jersey also had white trim on the sleeves. The pants were white with thin double maroon stripes running down each side. Maroon legs ran from the top of the white socks to the bottom of the pants.

mississippi state liberty bowl throwback uniform

I want to thank DawgSmack for getting me interested in this. If you haven't read it already, you need to check out his article on Maroon and White. He makes a great case for this and is also a whole hell of a better writer than I am.
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Egg Bowl 2013

Congratulations to Mississippi State on an amazing win last night to regain the Golden Egg and become bowl-eligible for the 4th straight year! I think those golden helmets are my new good luck charm...

Mississippi State Egg Bowl 2013 Gold Helmet

The Bulldogs defense forced an overtime fumble to cement an improbable rivalry win.

Read the whole story from SBNation here.
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This team makes me drink (The Throwback)

Another update on the 'This Team Makes Me Drink' design. Due to licensing issues with Mississippi State and the NCAA I couldn't legally sell the design on shirts so I had to develop a new design with the same visual meaning but wouldn't violate any trademarks. I incorporated the old State Bulldog face and reworked the M to get this:

For a short time you can purchase this shirt here for only $20!

This Team Makes me Drink

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This team makes me drink

Well, here we are again. Another college football season, another disappointing Mississippi State team. I love the dawgs and always will, so we learn to cope. I stumbled across a post over at SixPackSpeak about a "This team makes me drink" post. They were looking for an image, so after the loss to Auburn last night I decided to create one. Using Photoshop CS3 I came up with this design, what do you think?

And, if State ever wanted to make a little extra walking around money, they could throw it on a t-shirt and sell it. Because of licencing I won't, but I'd sure buy one.

  Hail State!


I believe this may have gone viral on twitter and the forums today. That's pretty awesome, but I got a lot of feedback stating how it would look so much better if it had a paw instead of a human hand. Well, here you are:

this team makes me drink

I personally love this shirt!

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Smoking and Coffee

I found this picture while browsing the interwebs the other day. I'm not sure what it's from but it is a neat little image. Nothing goes together better than cigarettes and hot coffee.

cigarettes and coffee

(disclaimer: um, smoking is bad for you. ok?)
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A Furniture Build - The Brainstorm

window door entertainment cabinet
Cabinet Model in Cinema 4D
Well, Christmas is over and I have a few days off before I have to go back to work. I want to do some work in the shop while I can, I just need something to build. Next to our TV (which is mounted above the fireplace on the wall) is a small entertainment cabinet that we had purchased at IKEA several years ago. We keep the Wii, some games and movies, and other miscellaneous items. With my love for building furniture, why the hell do I still have something from IKEA? Well I'm going to change that.

So I want to build a new entertainment cabinet. What do I want out of it? I want it to hold the games, movies, and Wii, some remotes and other items. I also think using an old window frame for the door would be nice. Like this one I had done before. But how big? Well that's going to depend on the window, I know I want it to be narrow but taller, but I won't have the actual measurements until I find the window. I also want a couple drawers on the bottom. Since I didn't have the window I started with the drawers for measurement.  I wanted them big enough to hold DVD cases sitting on edge and two deep. That gave me 6" tall and about 16" deep.

With those measurements I began building a 3D model of what I wanted in Cinema 4D. I played around with the look of it until I was happy. Nothing is to scale, it's all relative to what the size differences would look like.
 I then exported the model to Photoshop and put the measurements in. I started with the shelves and worked from there. I just assumed the window was going to be 2' wide and 4' tall. After I find the window I want these measurements will change.

window frame cabinet measurements
Measurements of Cabinet
Yea, I did 'um up on a Blue Print background, no reason other than I liked the look, ha ha. So after I had my measurements, I began coming up with the parts list. This part is kinda easy, just deciding what size wood will go in each location kinda like a jig-saw puzzle - again, this isn't a perfect rendition, more of a guess-ta-mation, but close enough to know how much wood I'll need and how to put it all together.

So there it is. Wife likes it, and I'll finally have something to build. Now all I need to do is go find that window tomorrow. Standby for updates. Feel free to ask any questions you may have - and look forward to the build.
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Congratulation to all the Survivors!

Congratulation to all the Survivors out there! We have made it through December 21, 2012 - boy what a story we'll have to tell. Wait until your kids get older and wonder why the hell we made such a big deal out of this date. Ha Ha! - When my kids get older I'm going to make them watch the movie 2012, and tell them we survived that shit like a boss!

Yea, so people bought into the hype. Heck, even I did up some images and even did a book cover for a fella who wrote an E-Book on the Mayan prediction of the end days. But nothing happened. Oh, the planets might have been in that perfect alignment, Venus was at the perfect spot in it's orbit, and there might have been an earthquake or two, but in the end I'm still writing this post and you're still reading it.

So take what you will from all of this, that the Mayan's were idiots, the human race is nuts, or, as I am doing, take this time to reflect on where you've been and where we need to go. Ultimately, the Mayan's said it was the end of one stage and the beginning of another. So look at this as a new beginning and make the most out of your life.

Remember - live life to the fullest, and do everything that makes you happy, no matter how random it is.
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Cutting custom images using Sizzix eClips

In this video I will show you how to use the free program InkScape to covert your custom image into a file that eCal can use to cut out on Sizzix eClips.

With the Sizzix eClips you are able to cut your on images without the need of separate cartridges. Visit the links below for more info and downloads.

Inkscape Program:



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Using Blogger's CSS to Center Objects

Do you have a blog with Blogger? Do you have pictures in the sidebar, page menu items up top, and Adsense boxes down below that are not centered? Are they all aligned Left or Right? Well here's a quick fix for you!

Blogger doesn't do a very good job at allowing you to change the alignment of  pre-built Gadgets (actually, you had no choice, until now) If you added an image using the Image Gadget there was no choice to align it. Follow the steps below to create a care-free blog of centered bliss.

First log into your account and go to the design main screen.

Click on Customize ----> Advanced, and scroll down to "Add CSS". There you will see an empty white box, this is where you'll add the code.

Now copy the following code and post it in the "Add custom CSS" box.

Once you place the code in the CSS box make sure you hit 'Apply to Blog' to save the changes.

So what does it do? The first set of code that contains the .PageList, centers the page menu bar. The second code, the .Image, will center anything that contains the image tag (all image gadgest added in the sidebar). And the last, the .Adsense, centers, well, all adsense gadgets added. Use all 3 codes, or just what you need - it's up to you.

Hope this helps, thanks for stopping by.
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Images of 2012

Hello all,

I’ve been getting a lot of hits for the 2012 desktop series I did a while back. I figured if that is what people have on their minds right now I might as well expand on that.

I am starting an “images of 2012″ series, with images that portray what you  could imagine the world might look like around December 21, 2012. (you know, that whole end of the world as we know it theme)

This first image portrays the rising sea level coupled with heavy rains.

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Anthony Dixon Desktop

Wanted to pay a little tribute to Anthony Dixon, Mississippi State’s greatest running back. He’s leaving this year (senior year) without any of the respect from a lot of people that he deserves.

The following is taken from BradLocke from Inside Mississippi State Sports. This is a comparison between Dixon and Mark Ingram from Alabama who is one of the front runners for the Heisman:

• Rushing yards: Dixon 1,391; Ingram 1,542

• Yards per game: Dixon 126.5 (11 games); Ingram 118.6 (13 games)

• Yards per carry: Dixon 5.4; Ingram 6.2

• Rushing touchdowns: Dixon 12, Ingram 15

• Receptions-yards-TDs: Dixon 18-123-0; Ingram 30-322-3

OK, now let’s go a little deeper.

• 100-yard games: Dixon 8 (in 11 games); Ingram 8 (in 13 games)

• Season low (carries-yards): Dixon 15-53, vs. Florida; Ingram 16-30, vs. Auburn

• Season high (carries-yards): Dixon 33-252, vs. Kentucky; Ingram 24-246, vs. South Carolina

• Yards per game vs. ranked opponents: Dixon 95.8 (five games); Ingram 144.8 (four games)

• Yards per game vs. bowl teams: Dixon 126.8 (10 games); Ingram 127.1 (9 games)

• Yards per game against common opponents (6 games): Dixon 135.3; Ingram 108.2

• Percentage of rushing offense accounted for: Dixon 50.93; Ingram 54.95

• Percentage of total offense accounted for: Dixon 33.92; Ingram 34.65

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Dan Mullen Poster

Mississippi State Football Head Coach Dan Mullen Poster. Image created using Adobe Photoshop. You can purchase this poster, and other items containing this image, here.

This is the perfect opportunity to show off your MSU pride this football season!
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December 21, 2012 Desktops

Decided to create a couple of pictures in tribute to the ‘maybe’ 2012 crisis coming up.

Whether it happens or not, at least your computer will look nice! Download one, or both, now and show off your 2012 pride! Picture size is 1280×1024 Click on image then right-click and ‘save picture as’ or ‘set as desktop background’

*UPDATE DEC 21, 2012 - Were still here! Read this!
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