Showing posts with label window. Show all posts

I'm back... Need that Air Conditioner!

Hello everyone! We have gotten moved and settled enough for me to start messin' around in the new shop and even have a couple posts lined up for you. I'll slowly transition back into this (not like I was updating that much anyways, ha ha).

We have purchased our first house in south Texas. It is a LONG way from Oregon and A LOT hotter. I have my shop set up in our 3 car detached garage (wife's car is in one bay, but the rest is mine!). It isn't insulated at all and must be around 110 during these summer days. To hot to spend any amount of time out there, which sucks because it is perfect. What I needed was a cheap AC solution.
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"Vintage" Lighted Cabinet (The Finish)

Drum roll please....Ta-da! I have finished the Vintage Style Lighted Cabinet! Everything I was waiting for came in the mail today so I was able to get it all buttoned up before the weekend. So here she is in all her glory, good things. Continue reading to see more images of the final piece. And also, if you missed part 2 of this build, you can view it here.

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"Vintage" Lighted Cabinet (Part 2)

Hello again, here's the second update on the "Vintage" Lighted Cabinet. I have now installed the trimming, the back bead-board, built and installed the drawers, sanded and painted the whole thing. Here are some pictures of the progress so far...

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"Vintage" Lighted Cabinet (Part 1)

Hey guys, how are things? So I wanted to catch you up on what's going on around the shop right now. I had written my last post about brainstorming my next build. I've started on the cabinet and will show you where I'm at right now. This is going to be a window door cabinet that is lighted from the inside.

 Me and the misses made a trip over to the local Antique Shop and found this window for sale for $35. Check out the hardware that was on it.

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Hutch Cabinet

Me and the wife  were out "Antiquing" the other day, and in one of the booths there was a cabinet with a window for the door that we both fell in love with. Unfortunately,  they were asking $600 for it. Now I'm not saying it wasn't worth it, but I don't have that kind of cash laying around.

The Inspiration

Well, as you can see - it is gorgeous and we had the perfect place for it. So I decided to make one! We bought a glass window from the same store for $25. On the way home that day we passed by a store that was being remodeled and they were tearing down ceder boards from the outside that had old green paint on it. We loaded up the back of the truck with these boards for free!  

The table legs were purchased from Home Depot for $17 and I found the knob and hinges on eBay for around $35. I already had all the paint and other things I needed, so for a total of around $80 this is what I made.

We're both happy with it, and I love the green paint that was left on from the original source!
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