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Ain't No Body Got Time For That T-Shirt

Back by popular demand, it's the shirt that shows you ain't got time for that! Get one while they're still available. Only $12!

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Davis Wade Stadium Banner Concept

So, Mississippi State is holding a design challenge for 6 new banners that will hang over the west side of the new stadium due to be completed this year. Check out the info here.

I think this challenge started yesterday or today and is due by late Sunday. Not much time - guess they're just looking for ideas. Well, just so happens I was off this week prior to a business trip next week so I had the day to put something together. Here is what I came up with.

mississippi state football stadium banner

I thought that with the new stadium, and the 100 years since football started being played at State, that a look back over the different changes throughout the years would be cool. I submitted and we'll see what happens.
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Liberalism is destroying this nation

liberalism is destroying

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This team makes me drink

Well, here we are again. Another college football season, another disappointing Mississippi State team. I love the dawgs and always will, so we learn to cope. I stumbled across a post over at SixPackSpeak about a "This team makes me drink" post. They were looking for an image, so after the loss to Auburn last night I decided to create one. Using Photoshop CS3 I came up with this design, what do you think?

And, if State ever wanted to make a little extra walking around money, they could throw it on a t-shirt and sell it. Because of licencing I won't, but I'd sure buy one.

  Hail State!


I believe this may have gone viral on twitter and the forums today. That's pretty awesome, but I got a lot of feedback stating how it would look so much better if it had a paw instead of a human hand. Well, here you are:

this team makes me drink

I personally love this shirt!

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Mississippi State Snow Bowl Helmets

 Mississippi State and adidas unveiled new TECHFIT football uniforms for the Bulldogs' upcoming games, "The Snow Bowl" versus Texas A&M at home on November 3 and "The Egg Bowl" against Ole Miss in Oxford on November 24.

One of the most memorable games in Independence Bowl History was the 2000 "snow bowl" game between Texas A&M and Mississippi State. The game was originally publicized as a reunion game, since Mississippi State coach Jackie Sherrill had served as A&M's coach for six seasons in the 1980s and led them to three conference titles. However, the weather quickly dominated the story line as a rare and significant snowstorm hit Shreveport. In the midst of the snow, Mississippi State rallied to an overtime win over A&M.
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Small Chalk Board Build

Well hello there. I would like to share with you the latest project I just got finished with. I was standing in my shop looking around thinking about something to make. Something small - and I didn't want to pay for anything in building it (I'll break that later).

I always thought to myself how it would be nice to have some sort of message board on the refrigerator that we could write shopping lists, grocery items needed, and quick notes on. A Chalk Board! Let's do it.

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Mixed Media Barn-Scape

Spent the day in the shop and started looking at all of the scrap wood and other little things laying around and thought that I could do something with all that spare stuff. This is what I came up with:

I took a 24" x 36" painting canvas (I think that's the size) and took the canvas off and mounted it to a couple of pieces of 3/4"x5"x3' planks of plywood that I joined together for the overall width.

I then painted the canvas white, and while it was still wet I applied a thick layer of dry-wall paste on top of it and used a paint scraper to give it texture. 

While that was drying I hot-glued scrap wood together to make the barn and stained and painted it. Once the canvas was dry I stained the sky and painted the fields. I then attached the barn and other items using nails and hot-glue. 

There are a couple of little pieces here and there that I used to get the overall look.

Hope you like it. Give it a shot. See what you having laying around and think of something you can recycle it into.

Oh, and of course - the inspiration:

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Images of 2012

Hello all,

I’ve been getting a lot of hits for the 2012 desktop series I did a while back. I figured if that is what people have on their minds right now I might as well expand on that.

I am starting an “images of 2012″ series, with images that portray what you  could imagine the world might look like around December 21, 2012. (you know, that whole end of the world as we know it theme)

This first image portrays the rising sea level coupled with heavy rains.

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The Lunar Greenhouse

This is my entry “The Lunar Greenhouse” that I submitted for the National Space Settlement 2009 Calender Contest.  This image won first place for the “Moon Settlement” category. You can view the entry here. If you would like to find out more about this contest or future contest please go to their site.

This image was created using Cinema 4D v.9 with the “hair” plugin for the grass. Post effects created using Photoshop.
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OJ Simpson Drawing

This is a drawing of OJ Simpson I did while his trial was going on in 1995.

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