1 out of 3 people still believe in Bigfoot

According to a recent PEMCO Insurance poll, 1 out of 3 people in Washington and Oregon still believe in Bigfoot. And according to our friends over at the Bigfoot Evidence Blog (Whom first posted this story) that means 2 out of 3 are not telling the truth, or lying out of fear of being called weird. Ha HA! That's probably true, what do you believe?

Bigfoot sightings in the Pacific Northwest

Here is the original news report:

Fact or folklore: Northwest residents divided on belief in Sasquatch (via PR Newswire)
SEATTLE, Dec. 19, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Whether you're a skeptic or a believer, there's no denying that the Northwest is home to folklore that preserves the possibility of 8-foot bipedal creatures roaming our Western forests. According to the PEMCO Insurance Northwest Poll, many residents believe that…


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