Some recognition for my Bigfoot Expedition

Several years ago me and a buddy took a week long camping trip up to northern Washington State to search for Bigfoot. It was really about the camping, but to see the big man would have been cool. Anyways, we made a documentary about it to share with friends back home. Turned out ok, was a real nice trip, and the video wasn't bad.So, I posted it on vimeo and then forgot about it.

Well, last night I received an email from the creator of BlogdogIt about some link backs he had been chasing and found (or created) a page that showcased our video. Check it out!

I just wanted to create this post to thank him for the heads up. Thanks my friend!

BlogDogIt - Bloggin’ It While Doggin’ It

1 comment:

  1. Thank you JonnyChapps for this post... but mostly for The Bigfoot Project (Okanogan Expedition) -

    I used to backpack and "carry on" but not so much lately. That vicarious adventure with you guys showed some really beautiful country and the chance to see bigfoot was just fuel for the fire. It really was a good time.

    Yeah, I created that post on BlogDogIt to highlight your video - I really thought I found something special when I found that documentary and wanted to share it with my readers. Just goes to show that you never know what you might run in to in the wilderness (or on the internet for that matter.)


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