Showing posts with label custom. Show all posts

Vintage Filing Cabinet

Hey there. Well, I promised myself that I wouldn't be building anything new (at least furniture) until we moved. I broke that promise to myself...

We needed (well, wanted) a DVD and game case cabinet or shelf. I had seen pictures while looking for ideas of those vintage wooded filing cabinets, the kinds used in old schools and offices. If I were to make one that could hold DVDs, well that would be sweet. Using scrap wood from the shop, this is what I put together.

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Cutting custom images using Sizzix eClips

In this video I will show you how to use the free program InkScape to covert your custom image into a file that eCal can use to cut out on Sizzix eClips.

With the Sizzix eClips you are able to cut your on images without the need of separate cartridges. Visit the links below for more info and downloads.

Inkscape Program:



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Custom HTML links in Blogger Page Bar

I had something happen to my blogger website yesterday, and after looking for a solution the problem around the web, I found that a lot of people were having the same issue. For some reason, all of the page links that I added that linked to websites, were changed to javascript:;

I would type in the correct addresses again into each link, hit save, and when I reloaded the page they were all changed to the javascript again. I have no idea why this is happening or how long it is going to take to fix, so I found this work around for those of you that need your page links.
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