Vintage Filing Cabinet

Hey there. Well, I promised myself that I wouldn't be building anything new (at least furniture) until we moved. I broke that promise to myself...

We needed (well, wanted) a DVD and game case cabinet or shelf. I had seen pictures while looking for ideas of those vintage wooded filing cabinets, the kinds used in old schools and offices. If I were to make one that could hold DVDs, well that would be sweet. Using scrap wood from the shop, this is what I put together.

Sorry, but I didn't do a step by step sorta thing like I usually do. But I did snap some pictures towards the finish.

I build the shelves to comfortably hold DVD cases and then built the frame around those. Again, using scraps and spare wood that was laying around from past builds.

I did purchase the hardware online, to save on cost I purchased them brand new and not antiques that would look better but cost a lot more. To give it the bronzed patina I soaked them overnight in a solution of vinegar and steel wool pad. That mixture was also used to age the wood. It is an amazing mix, I'll have to do a tutorial on that sometime in the future.

I then sanded and stained using Minwax Red Mahogany. I applied 3 coats to really darken in and brink out the wood textures. After that dried, I used spray lacquer to give it a glossy shine. I sanded between coats to really add to the shine.

And there you have it. Now, that will be the last piece made until we move this summer. I promise....maybe.


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