Christmas Stocking Holder - DIY

Happy Holidays everyone! It's been awhile since my last post, so I thought I would start things back up with a little Christmas decoration how-to. Today I'll be making a Christmas Stocking Holder using old drawer knobs. I saw a picture of one of these in the magazine 'The Country Sampler', and knew it was right up our alley.
The Stocking Holder hanging on the Mantle
The picture above is the finished product. Looks neat huh? Well let's make it! First thing I did was gather up some knobs for the project. I needed 4 - my wife, daughter, myself, and of course the dog. I had one knob left over from a project I had completed before. The other three I picked up at our favorite store - Vintage Hardware here in Astoria. We mix matched them - you can do what looks best to you.

Cut board to the length you need
Cut a board the length you need. I used a scrap piece of 4"x2"x1/2" tongue and groove that was laying around. It's a little banged up and chipped - adds character! Going for antique, not IKEA.

Cut strips for framing
Then cut strips for framing around the board. This is really just for looks and isn't really needed. Just adds more character.

Framing glued and nailed to board
Miter the corners and then wood glue and brad to your board. I didn't use one along the bottom because of the split. That's fine - again, more character.

Edges Routed
You can leave it as is. I had to add more style and personality to the piece by routing the edges. Just adds that little bit more to it.

Knobs picked up from local Vintage Hardware store
These are the knobs that me and the wife picked out. We mixed matched them. But again, this is entirely up to you and what fits your style.

Paint applied
Measure out equal distances between all the knobs your using and pre-drill holes for the screws so that after you paint you still know where the knobs go. (you'll be painting over your pencil marks - but you knew that)

Well here it is. Paint dried, sanded, and knobs applied! It is an easy project and one that will add character to your mantle just in time for those Christmas stocking stuffers.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I'll have more Christmas decoration ideas for you in the near future.


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